Hello Everyone, and welcome to the last Mom’s profile here on BeefonaBudget.com It has been a full month of May, and Anna-Lisa and I appreciate your continued support and visits to our site. We enjoy cooking and sharing with you and are excited about the coming summer of great beef recipes.

Have a safe and happy Memorial weekend, and remember some Hero’s gave all so we can take a day off!

Walk On,

I have been ranch raised all my life, I’m the oldest of 4, and we were all homeschooled. We grew up on the Turkey Track ranch in South Eastern NM. My husband went to work out here riding colts before we married, and has been here ever since. We started out at Headquarters, but now have our own camp. It’s a 600 section ranch, and he takes care of 100 sections. My folks are still here, on the camp we grew up on.

We have a one year old little boy. We hope for one or two more in the future.

I cook with beef everyday. My dad called chicken “Yard Bird” and it was pretty much banned from our house. One of my favorite memories growing up was eating brisket on Thanksgiving instead of turkey.

Jennifer’s Green Chile Enchiladas
Hamburger meat
Corn tortillas
Frozen/Fresh Green Chile (or red, depending on your preference)
Brown your ground beef, season it up well. Whatever suits your taste. I do Chile powder, onion powder, salt and pepper and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Meanwhile, sauté` half an onion and garlic in olive oil. Dump your green Chile’s in the pot, add a little water and flour. I like my sauce a little thicker. And simmer until ground beef is well done.
Heat oil in a skillet and soften your tortillas, in a casserole dish add first layer of tortillas. Then add ground beef, green Chile’s and cheese. Repeat until your dish is full, and ingredients are gone. Ending with cheese, and sprinkle with a little cayenne, bake at 350 until cheese is melted, and a little brown on top.